8 祢是我神
M. Hamerly、陈国音


词、曲:M. Hamerly、陈国音

主歌 1

祢是我神 用爱心寻找我
祢是我神 用宝血拯救我
从罪恶的深渊中 祢圣灵光照我
祢是我救主 祢是我神

主歌 2

祢是我神 赐给我脚前灯
祢是我神 赐给我路上光
从清晨日出东边 直到日落西方
祢是我牧者 祢是我神

主歌 3

祢是我神 永远属天盼望
祢是我神 安稳灵魂的锚
在生命的风暴中 平静我的浪涛
祢是我盼望 祢是我神


从生命开始 直到永远
没有人能使我离开主的爱 主的爱


祢是我神 是我救主
祢是我神 是我盼望
祢是我神 是我牧者

Verse 1

You are my God - The One who loved me
You are my God - The One who saved me
From the darkness of my sin, Your light has entered in
You are my Savior, You are my God

Verse 2

You are my God - The One who walks with me
You are my God - The One who talks with me
From the rising of the sun until its going down
You are my Shepherd, You are my God

Verse 3

You are my God - The One who gives me hope
You are my God - The anchor of my soul
From the raging storms of life to peace amidst the strife
You are my Rock, You are my God


From the beginning and forever
I am always in Your care
No one can separate me from Your Love, from Your Love


You are my God, You are my Savior
You are my God, You are my Rock
You are my God, You are my Shepherd
You are my God...

Variation for the verses: Subsitute "You Are My God" with "I thank You Lord"