<< 미가 3:3 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    who eat my people’s flesh, strip off their skin and break their bones in pieces; who chop them up like meat for the pan, like flesh for the pot?”
  • New International Reader's Version
    You eat my people’s bodies. You strip off their skin. You break their bones in pieces. You chop them up like meat. You put them in a cooking pot.”
  • English Standard Version
    who eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones in pieces and chop them up like meat in a pot, like flesh in a cauldron.
  • New Living Translation
    Yes, you eat my people’s flesh, strip off their skin, and break their bones. You chop them up like meat for the cooking pot.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    You eat the flesh of my people after you strip their skin from them and break their bones. You chop them up like flesh for the cooking pot, like meat in a cauldron.”
  • New American Standard Bible
    Who eat the flesh of my people, Strip off their skin from them, Smash their bones, And chop them up as for the pot, And as meat in a cauldron!”
  • New King James Version
    Who also eat the flesh of My people, Flay their skin from them, Break their bones, And chop them in pieces Like meat for the pot, Like flesh in the caldron.”
  • American Standard Version
    who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    You eat the flesh of my people after you strip their skin from them and break their bones. You chop them up like flesh for the cooking pot, like meat in a cauldron.”
  • King James Version
    Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
  • New English Translation
    You devour my people’s flesh, strip off their skin, and crush their bones. You chop them up like flesh in a pot– like meat in a kettle.
  • World English Bible
    who also eat the flesh of my people, and peel their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as meat within the cauldron.


  • 시편 14:4
    Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the Lord. (niv)
  • 에스겔 11:6-7
    You have killed many people in this city and filled its streets with the dead.“ Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: The bodies you have thrown there are the meat and this city is the pot, but I will drive you out of it. (niv)
  • 에스겔 11:3
    They say,‘ Haven’t our houses been recently rebuilt? This city is a pot, and we are the meat in it.’ (niv)
  • 스바냐 3:3
    Her officials within her are roaring lions; her rulers are evening wolves, who leave nothing for the morning. (niv)