<< レビ記 3:12 >>



  • レビ記 22:19-27
    you must present a male without defect from the cattle, sheep or goats in order that it may be accepted on your behalf.Do not bring anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf.When anyone brings from the herd or flock a fellowship offering to the Lord to fulfill a special vow or as a freewill offering, it must be without defect or blemish to be acceptable.Do not offer to the Lord the blind, the injured or the maimed, or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as a food offering presented to the Lord.You may, however, present as a freewill offering an ox or a sheep that is deformed or stunted, but it will not be accepted in fulfillment of a vow.You must not offer to the Lord an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut. You must not do this in your own land,and you must not accept such animals from the hand of a foreigner and offer them as the food of your God. They will not be accepted on your behalf, because they are deformed and have defects.’”The Lord said to Moses,“ When a calf, a lamb or a goat is born, it is to remain with its mother for seven days. From the eighth day on, it will be acceptable as a food offering presented to the Lord. (niv)
  • コリント人への手紙Ⅱ 5:21
    God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (niv)
  • レビ記 1:10
    “‘ If the offering is a burnt offering from the flock, from either the sheep or the goats, you are to offer a male without defect. (niv)
  • レビ記 1:2
    “ Speak to the Israelites and say to them:‘ When anyone among you brings an offering to the Lord, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock. (niv)
  • イザヤ書 53:6
    We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. (niv)
  • マタイの福音書 25:32-33
    All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. (niv)
  • レビ記 9:15
    Aaron then brought the offering that was for the people. He took the goat for the people’s sin offering and slaughtered it and offered it for a sin offering as he did with the first one. (niv)
  • レビ記 9:3
    Then say to the Israelites:‘ Take a male goat for a sin offering, a calf and a lamb— both a year old and without defect— for a burnt offering, (niv)
  • イザヤ書 53:2
    He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. (niv)
  • レビ記 1:6
    You are to skin the burnt offering and cut it into pieces. (niv)
  • レビ記 3:1
    “‘ If your offering is a fellowship offering, and you offer an animal from the herd, whether male or female, you are to present before the Lord an animal without defect. (niv)
  • ローマ人への手紙 8:3
    For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, (niv)
  • レビ記 3:7-17
    If you offer a lamb, you are to present it before the Lord,lay your hand on its head and slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar.From the fellowship offering you are to bring a food offering to the Lord: its fat, the entire fat tail cut off close to the backbone, the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them,both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys.The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering presented to the Lord.“‘ If your offering is a goat, you are to present it before the Lord,lay your hand on its head and slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar.From what you offer you are to present this food offering to the Lord: the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them,both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys.The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the Lord’s.“‘ This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.’” (niv)
  • レビ記 10:16
    When Moses inquired about the goat of the sin offering and found that it had been burned up, he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron’s remaining sons, and asked, (niv)