<< Job 19:6 >>



  • Job 18:8-10
    For his own feet lead him into a net, and he strays into its mesh.A trap catches him by the heel; a noose seizes him.A rope lies hidden for him on the ground, and a snare waits for him along the path.
  • Hosea 7:12
    As they are going, I will spread My net over them; I will bring them down like birds of the sky. I will discipline them in accordance with the news that reaches their assembly.
  • Job 27:2
    As God lives, who has deprived me of justice, and the Almighty who has made me bitter,
  • Ezekiel 12:13
    But I will spread My net over him, and he will be caught in My snare. I will bring him to Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans, yet he will not see it, and he will die there.
  • Job 7:20
    If I have sinned, what have I done to You, Watcher of mankind? Why have You made me Your target, so that I have become a burden to You?
  • Psalms 44:9-14
    But You have rejected and humiliated us; You do not march out with our armies.You make us retreat from the foe, and those who hate us have taken plunder for themselves.You hand us over to be eaten like sheep and scatter us among the nations.You sell Your people for nothing; You make no profit from selling them.You make us an object of reproach to our neighbors, a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us.You make us a joke among the nations, a laughingstock among the peoples.
  • Ezekiel 32:3
    This is what the Lord God says: I will spread My net over you with an assembly of many peoples, and they will haul you up in My net.
  • Job 16:11-14
    God hands me over to unjust men; He throws me into the hands of the wicked.I was at ease, but He shattered me; He seized me by the scruff of the neck and smashed me to pieces. He set me up as His target;His archers surround me. He pierces my kidneys without mercy and pours my bile on the ground.He breaks through my defenses again and again; He charges at me like a warrior.
  • Lamentations 1:12-13
    Is this nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see! Is there any pain like mine, which was dealt out to me, which the Lord made me suffer on the day of His burning anger?He sent fire from heaven into my bones; He made it descend. He spread a net for my feet and turned me back. He made me desolate, sick all day long.
  • Psalms 66:10-12
    For You, God, tested us; You refined us as silver is refined.You lured us into a trap; You placed burdens on our backs.You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us out to abundance.