<< Job 16:9 >>



  • Psalms 35:16
    When I tripped, they taunted me relentlessly, and tried to bite me.
  • Lamentations 2:16
    All your enemies gloated over you. They sneered and gnashed their teeth; they said,“ We have destroyed her! Ha! We have waited a long time for this day. We have lived to see it!”ע( Ayin)
  • Job 13:24
    Why do you hide your face and regard me as your enemy?
  • Acts 7:54
    When they heard these things, they became furious and ground their teeth at him.
  • Job 19:11
    Thus his anger burns against me, and he considers me among his enemies.
  • Psalms 37:12
    Evil men plot against the godly and viciously attack them.
  • Job 18:4
    You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger, will the earth be abandoned for your sake? Or will a rock be moved from its place?
  • Job 10:16-17
    If I lift myself up, you hunt me as a fierce lion, and again you display your power against me.You bring new witnesses against me, and increase your anger against me; relief troops come against me.
  • Hosea 6:1
    “ Come on! Let’s return to the LORD! He himself has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us! He has injured us, but he will bandage our wounds!
  • Job 13:27
    And you put my feet in the stocks and you watch all my movements; you put marks on the soles of my feet.
  • Lamentations 3:10
    To me he is like a bear lying in ambush, like a hidden lion stalking its prey.
  • Hosea 5:14
    I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a young lion to the house of Judah. I myself will tear them to pieces, then I will carry them off, and no one will be able to rescue them!
  • Micah 7:8
    My enemies, do not gloat over me! Though I have fallen, I will get up. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.
  • Psalms 50:22
    Carefully consider this, you who reject God! Otherwise I will rip you to shreds and no one will be able to rescue you.