<< Ezekiel 8:15 >>



  • 2 Timothy 3 13
    But evil people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves.
  • Ezekiel 8:9
    He said to me,“ Go in and see the evil abominations they are practicing here.”
  • Ezekiel 8:12-13
    He said to me,“ Do you see, son of man, what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the dark, each in the chamber of his idolatrous images? For they think,‘ The LORD does not see us! The LORD has abandoned the land!’”He said to me,“ You will see them practicing even greater abominations!”
  • Ezekiel 8:6
    He said to me,“ Son of man, do you see what they are doing– the great abominations that the people of Israel are practicing here, to drive me far from my sanctuary? But you will see greater abominations than these!”