<< 신명기 29:28 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    In furious anger and in great wrath the Lord uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now.”
  • New International Reader's Version
    The Lord’ s anger blazed out against his people. So he pulled them up out of their land. He threw them into another land. And that’s where they are now.”
  • English Standard Version
    and the Lord uprooted them from their land in anger and fury and great wrath, and cast them into another land, as they are this day.’
  • New Living Translation
    In great anger and fury the Lord uprooted his people from their land and banished them to another land, where they still live today!’
  • Christian Standard Bible
    The LORD uprooted them from their land in his anger, rage, and intense wrath, and threw them into another land where they are today.’
  • New American Standard Bible
    and the Lord uprooted them from their land in anger, fury, and in great wrath, and hurled them into another land, as it is this day.’
  • New King James Version
    And the Lord uprooted them from their land in anger, in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.’
  • American Standard Version
    and Jehovah rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as at this day.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    The Lord uprooted them from their land in His anger, rage, and great wrath, and threw them into another land where they are today.’
  • King James Version
    And the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as[ it is] this day.
  • New English Translation
    So the LORD has uprooted them from their land in anger, wrath, and great rage and has deported them to another land, as is clear today.”
  • World English Bible
    Yahweh rooted them out of their land in anger, in wrath, and in great indignation, and thrust them into another land, as it is today.”


  • 역대하 7:20
    then I will uproot Israel from my land, which I have given them, and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. I will make it a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples. (niv)
  • 잠언 2:22
    but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it. (niv)
  • 열왕기상 14:15
    And the Lord will strike Israel, so that it will be like a reed swaying in the water. He will uproot Israel from this good land that he gave to their ancestors and scatter them beyond the Euphrates River, because they aroused the Lord’s anger by making Asherah poles. (niv)
  • 시편 52:5
    Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and pluck you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. (niv)
  • 누가복음 21:23-24
    How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. (niv)
  • 신명기 6:24
    The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. (niv)
  • 신명기 28:64
    Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods— gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known. (niv)
  • 다니엘 9:7
    “ Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame— the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. (niv)
  • 열왕기하 17:18
    So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. Only the tribe of Judah was left, (niv)
  • 신명기 28:25
    The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth. (niv)
  • 열왕기하 17:23
    until the Lord removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there. (niv)
  • 예레미야 42:10
    ‘ If you stay in this land, I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not uproot you, for I have relented concerning the disaster I have inflicted on you. (niv)
  • 에스라 9:7
    From the days of our ancestors until now, our guilt has been great. Because of our sins, we and our kings and our priests have been subjected to the sword and captivity, to pillage and humiliation at the hand of foreign kings, as it is today. (niv)
  • 신명기 8:18
    But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. (niv)
  • 신명기 28:36
    The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. (niv)