<< 申命记 10:11 >>


  • 新标点和合本
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  • 和合本2010(神版)
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  • 圣经新译本
  • 新標點和合本
  • 和合本2010(上帝版)
  • 和合本2010(神版)
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  • 聖經新譯本
  • 呂振中譯本
  • 文理和合譯本
  • 文理委辦譯本
  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    “ Go,” the Lord said to me,“ and lead the people on their way, so that they may enter and possess the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.”
  • New International Reader's Version
    “ Go,” the Lord said to me.“ Lead the people on their way. Then they can enter the land and take it over. I have given my word. I promised I would give the land to their fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
  • English Standard Version
    And the Lord said to me,‘ Arise, go on your journey at the head of the people, so that they may go in and possess the land, which I swore to their fathers to give them.’
  • New Living Translation
    Then the Lord said to me,‘ Get up and resume the journey, and lead the people to the land I swore to give to their ancestors, so they may take possession of it.’
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Then the LORD said to me,‘ Get up. Continue your journey ahead of the people, so that they may enter and possess the land I swore to give their ancestors.’
  • New American Standard Bible
    Then the Lord said to me,‘ Arise, proceed on your journey ahead of the people, so that they may go in and take possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.’
  • New King James Version
    Then the Lord said to me,‘ Arise, begin your journey before the people, that they may go in and possess the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.’
  • American Standard Version
    And Jehovah said unto me, Arise, take thy journey before the people; and they shall go in and possess the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give unto them.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Then the Lord said to me,‘ Get up. Continue your journey ahead of the people, so that they may enter and possess the land I swore to give their fathers.’
  • King James Version
    And the LORD said unto me, Arise, take[ thy] journey before the people, that they may go in and possess the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give unto them.
  • New English Translation
    Then he said to me,“ Get up, set out leading the people so they may go and possess the land I promised to give to their ancestors.”
  • World English Bible
    Yahweh said to me,“ Arise, take your journey before the people; and they shall go in and possess the land which I swore to their fathers to give to them.”