<< 1 Kings 14 17 >>



  • 1 Kings 15 33
    Baasha became king of Israel in Tirzah. It was in the third year that Asa was king of Judah. Baasha ruled for 24 years. He was the son of Ahijah.
  • 1 Kings 15 21
    Baasha heard about it. So he stopped building up Ramah. He went back home to Tirzah.
  • 1 Kings 16 23
    Omri became king of Israel. It was in the 31st year that Asa was king of Judah. Omri ruled for 12 years. He ruled in Tirzah for six of those years.
  • 1 Kings 16 15
    Zimri ruled in Tirzah for seven days. It was in the 27th year that Asa was king of Judah. The army of Israel had set up camp near Gibbethon. It was a Philistine town.
  • Song of Solomon 6 4
    “ My love, you are as beautiful as the city of Tirzah. You are as lovely as Jerusalem. You are as majestic as troops carrying their banners.
  • 1 Samuel 4 18-1 Samuel 4 20
    When the man spoke about the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair. He had been sitting by the side of the gate. When he fell, he broke his neck and died. He was old and fat. He had led Israel for 40 years.The wife of Phinehas was pregnant. She was Eli’s daughter- in- law. It was near the time for her baby to be born. She heard the news that the ark of God had been captured. She heard that her father- in- law and her husband were dead. So she went into labor and had her baby. Her pain was more than she could bear.As she was dying, the women helping her spoke up. They said,“ Don’t be afraid. You have had a son.” But she didn’t reply. She didn’t pay any attention.
  • 1 Samuel 2 20-1 Samuel 2 34
    Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife. He would say,“ May the Lord give you children by this woman. May they take the place of the boy she prayed for and gave to the Lord.” Then they would go home.The Lord was gracious to Hannah. Over a period of years she had three more sons and two daughters. During that whole time the boy Samuel grew up serving the Lord.Eli was very old. He kept hearing about everything his sons were doing to all the Israelites. He also heard how his sons were sleeping with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting.So Eli said to his sons,“ Why are you doing these things? All the people are telling me about the evil things you are doing.No, my sons. The report I hear isn’t good. And it’s spreading among the Lord’ s people.If a person sins against someone else, God can help that sinner. But if anyone sins against the Lord, who can help them?” In spite of what their father Eli said, his sons didn’t pay any attention to his warning. That’s because the Lord had already decided to put them to death.The boy Samuel continued to grow stronger. He also became more and more pleasing to the Lord and to people.A man of God came to Eli. He told him,“ The Lord says,‘ I made myself clearly known to your relatives who lived long ago. I did it when they were in Egypt under Pharaoh’s rule.At that time, I chose Aaron from your family line to be my priest. I chose him out of all the tribes of Israel. I told him to go up to my altar. I told him to burn incense. I chose him to wear a linen apron when he served me. I also gave his family all the food offerings presented by the Israelites.Why don’t you treat my sacrifices and offerings with respect? I require them to be brought to the house where I live. Why do you honor your sons more than me? Why do you fatten yourselves on the best parts of every offering that is made by my people Israel?’“ The Lord is the God of Israel. He announced,‘ I promised that members of your family line would serve me as priests forever.’ But now the Lord announces,‘ I will not let that happen! I will honor those who honor me. But I will turn away from those who look down on me.The time is coming when I will cut your life short. I will also cut short the lives of those in your family line of priests. No one in your family line will grow old.You will see nothing but trouble in the house where I live. Good things will still happen to Israel. But no one in your family line will ever grow old.I will prevent the members of your family from serving me at my altar. I will destroy the eyesight of all of you I allow to live. I will also cause you to lose your strength. And everyone in your family line will die while they are still young.“‘ Something is going to happen to your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. When it does, it will show you that what I am saying is true. They will both die on the same day.
  • Joshua 12:24
    the king of Tirzah one The total number of kings was 31.
  • 1 Kings 14 12-1 Kings 14 13
    “ Now go back home. When you enter your city, your son will die.All the Israelites will mourn for him. Then he will be buried. He is the only one who belongs to Jeroboam who will be buried. That is because he is the only one in Jeroboam’s royal house in whom I have found anything good. I am the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 1 Kings 16 6-1 Kings 16 9
    Baasha joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in Tirzah. Baasha’s son Elah became the next king after him.The Lord’ s message came through the prophet Jehu, the son of Hanani. It was against Baasha and his royal house. Baasha had done all kinds of evil things in the sight of the Lord. Baasha had also destroyed the royal house of Jeroboam. What Baasha did had made the Lord very angry. So Baasha had become as sinful as the royal house of Jeroboam had been.Elah became king of Israel. It was in the 26th year that Asa was king of Judah. Elah ruled in Tirzah for two years. He was the son of Baasha.Zimri was one of Elah’s officials. He commanded half of Elah’s chariot drivers. He made plans against Elah. Elah was in Tirzah at the time. He was getting drunk in the home of Arza. Arza was in charge of the palace at Tirzah.